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These lovely cats were rescued in very poor condition after having a really difficult start in life. It has taken some time rebuild their health but now these young cats are all really friendly, playful and ready for rehoming. We are seeking homes for them in pairs, the boys Howard and August (ginger and  black, thought to be brothers) together as one pair and Cotton and  Fern (mum and daughter Tortishells) as the second pair, these lovely youngsters are seeking homes with access to safe and enclosed garden areas away from busy roads and other hazards. Sonia and Selma (ginger mum and daughter) form the third pair, these girls are seeking a safe indoor only home ideally as Sonia had suffered some sort of injury before coming to us and has lost her tail and appears to be a little short sighted so we feel she and her mummy would be safer as fully indoor cats. 

To enquire about this family or any of our other rescues please call us on 01424 882198 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.