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Greenacres Sanctuary

Stubb Lane, Brede, Nr Hastings, East Sussex, TN31 6BT
Telephone: 01424 882198    email: sanctuary@celiahammond.org

The Sanctuary resides in over 100 acres of countryside - a mixture of woodland and meadows, providing a permanent home to around 120 resident cats - cats who for one reason or another have proved difficult to rehome. Resident cats are free to wander in and out of the main Sanctuary house, where our permanent Sanctuary staff live or to choose from numerous cabins and chalets dotted through the grounds. Many of our resident cats are older feral and semi-feral cats whose age leaves them difficult to home. 

The Sanctuary also has a 40 pen cattery which houses cats and kittens whilst they await suitable new homes.  

VOLUNTEERS - We need volunteers to help at the Sanctuary with cleaning and feeding, socialising shy cats and kittens, and helping maintain the grounds and buildings. If you can help please contact us. 

Volunteer photographer Faith Lee has taken some beautiful photos of our sanctuary residents.....

Our Sanctuary is located in the countryside and is home to our 'unhomeable' cats, most of which are initially very nervous or feral. Over time in the safety of the Sanctuary some of the cats do become friendly with humans, whereas others remain wary and keep a distance from us.

Pictured above is Tangerine having a scratch on a well scratched post and Jack and Sawyer in the woods.

Cats who are permanently resident at our Sanctuary are free to roam the grounds as they wish.

"Ginger" (above) is taking a peek into the cattery at the cats in the cattery pens who are awaiting new homes, teasing them that he is free - hopefully they will find new homes soon.
Spragette and Tess are close friends who love a stroll together!

 High or low there are a good choice of places to snooze!

 Mika enjoys a rest in the sun, Vincent's not far away. There are plenty of cosy shelters too!

Fancy a drink? Could try a sip of the goats' water or Lizabelle likes some rainwater from an old bird bath!

 .....and there are some nice staff and volunteers here too if you feel you need a cuddle!

Feeling hungry? Christopher is pinching someone else's dinner whilst others patiently await their food!

Just hanging around discussing the day; Tozzle and Xena like a high rise view and the cattery roof is just the right place to be! 


Waiting for Supper!

Dotted all over the sanctuary grounds are sheds and chalets donated by our supporters especially for the rescued cats that have been released at the sanctuary to live their lives freely - they are all welcome to come into the main house if they wish, but some of the more nervous cats prefer to have their living quarters in the chalets with their chums!


Our 100-acre Sanctuary is a mixture of woodland and meadows. This is perfect for our cats to wander about in and play, but also acts as a peaceful haven and sanctuary for other wildlife. We regularly see foxes, badgers, deer, pheasants, woodcock and even boar at certain times of the year.

The sanctuary is simply beautiful in spring!

The Cattery

The Sanctuary also has lots of cats (both domestic and feral), kittens and adult cats of all ages in need of new homes.

In the centre of the Sanctuary grounds is the Cattery, which has 40 individual cattery pens which provide a temporary home for cats awaiting permanent new homes.

Are you looking for a Cat?

As always, we are keen to find homes for our many rescued cats, some of which are featured on the Hastings Animals Seeking Homes page. 

Visitors to the Sanctuary are very warmly welcomed. We are open every weekend from 1pm - 4.30pm on both Saturdays and Sundays, or during the week by appointment.


Shouldn't every cat be able to enjoy life like this?

There's some lovely mature trees at our Sanctuary too!

Mmmmm someone's taking our photos!

Aren't we beautiful!


Just taking our time to enjoy the scenery!

Humans mean nice treats!    

The perfect way to travel around!