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Looking to adopt kittens? 

Seasonal breeders: Cats are seasonal breeders and typically give birth to two litter of kittens, the first in Spring and the second in late Summer.   Kittens need to be weaned and ready to leave their mothers, this usually at  around 9-10 weeks old so every year it is from the end of May that we start having many kittens ready to go to new homes.  There are then usually plenty of kittens in need of homes throughout the Summer months and up until late Autumn. 

 UPDATE OCTOBER 2022:  We experienced a very busy July and August when we were inundated with cats and kittens coming and struggled with a lack of homes being offered as people waited until after their Summer holidays to adopt. In contrast September was very busy with lots of enquiries and 102 cats and kittens finding new homes!  We are still working through Septembers offers of homes so apologies to people who are still waiting to hear from us. We did receive a lot of offers for kittens though and now are left with the mother cats who sadly are often left to last whilst their kittens are snapped up.  We do like to let our rescued mother cats keep at least one of their kittens so have lots of mum and a kitten pairs and a few mum and two kitten trios!  

More Information: More information about our homing policies including rehoming kittens in pairs can be found here:  https://www.celiahammond.org/index.php/faqs/homing-a-cat